Thursday, October 13, 2011

Blood Splatter Application: Costume Sneak Peak Part II

So yesterday I went about applying blood to my costume.  I tried several different techniques, flinging drops and splatters from the paint brush, pouring large pools of blood, making drips, and wiping my bloodied glove as if someone (or something) was clawing at the garments.  I used Spirit Halloweens Blood Bath theatrical blood.  It had a nice thick dark realistic consistency that got lighter as it spread much like real blood.  The downside is that after drying the blood looks matte and not as deep red and lovely as in the photos (almost more burgundy), which has been a problem in the past with other dyes and food colorings as well.  I'm thinking maybe if I paint over it with glossy Mode Podge, I can get back some of the wet look to it.  I'll have to pick some up tomorrow.

I'm feeling a little defeated still about the contact debacle, because I have done so much advanced planning, and yet everything is not going as planned.  I looked into getting contacts at a local location, but I would still have to wait 5 days to get them after a fitting, so it's too late.  I'm sure once I get my makeup done I won't even miss the contacts.  The artists at the Mac Hollywood and Highland store are brilliant.  

Still I've been second guessing my blood splatter and wish I could start over.  I feel like I got a little overzealous in some places, but is that even possible when talking about bloodied garments?  I think I'm just being a bit morose.

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